2016 Q1 - Essentialism, Education of a Value Investor, Simple Rules

Essentialism by Greg McKeown

This book is all about one motto: less, but better. It lives up to its subtitle of “The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by giving the reader a framework of thinking and making the “highest contribution to the things that really matter.” It is one of the best books I’ve read recently. If you feel like you’re always busy and not moving forward on things you’ve always wanted to accomplish/experience, then I highly recommend this book. If you’re looking for a way to simplify your life...again, I highly recommend this book. Just read it, and thank me later. In fact, pick up the audiobook version of it in addition to the print/ebook version. The audiobook is read by the author, and helps the main ideas of the book sink in.


The Education of a Value Investor by Guy Spier

This thoughtful, self-reflective, and honest memoir tells the story of the author’s transformation from a money-hungry Wall Streeter to a more fulfilling and successful human being. Many of the ideas in this book are born out of first and second-hand life experiences, and is immediately applicable in most of our lives. I found the author’s humility inspiring, his writings on the inner versus outer scorecard motivating, and his expositions on the impact of our environments on our decision-making immediately applicable. Although Guy Spier’s book is backdropped by the world of finance, its central themes and concepts are universally applicable. It’s worth reading twice.


Simple Rules by Donald Sull & Kathleen Eisenhardt

The authors’ comprehensive and accessible text on the power, significance, and creation of Simple Rules is a very worthwhile read. The principles explained in the book are immediately applicable to anyone running a company, trying to solve difficult problems, or simply stricken with decision-fatigue in our ever-complex world. The authors take the obvious (in terms of rule-making), define it, organize it, and provide examples & guidance on how to apply it. Their book is a surprisingly detailed in-depth perspective in the art of creating simple rules to simplify the complexity that muddles our lives.

All three books mentioned blend into each other, and in many ways, they enhance each other. I highly recommend all three.

Favorite Article of the Quarter: Abundance by Joshua Brown asks a killer question: “When you can have anything at any time, is anything worth anything?”

Jason Boddu